More than 86 Extensions waiting for your Polarion.
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DLE tools leveraging the HTML Snippet Injector
The Polarion's Document-like Editor (DLE) can now be adjusted by injecting code snippets into the main Polarion frame.
avaRegulatory: Efficient management of regulatory information & easy integration into product development
avaRegulatory includes functions for management of regulatory documents in a central regulatory library, monitor their validity, and provide easy access.
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Nextedy GANTT - Manage Work Items with Gantt
Work Items Gantt brings the interactive high-level project planning & scheduling to Polarion ALM.
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Polarion BIRT Report Viewer
Integrate BIRT Reports directly to Polarion Web User Interface.
Nextedy RISKSHEET - Interactive Risk Analysis Editor
Nextedy RISKSHEET delivers the solution to manage, trace, and communicate safety-critical product risks using Hazard Analysis and/or FME(C)A directly in your Polarion ALM.
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Nextedy WORKSHEET - Interactive Work Tracking
Discover quickly available resources for your project and maximize effectivity.
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Test Run Results Trend Report
This report displays statistics of Passed vs. Failed test runs per month.
Nextedy Security Assessment Kit
Bring visibility into your software security process.
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SQL Query for Test Runs
This Wiki snippet will add Test Cases to your Test Run based on a SQL query
Nextedy CHECKLIST - Actionable ToDo's on Work Item Form
Extend your Polarion Work Items with action-able checklists and stay clear on what needs to be done to satisfy your workflow process.
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Plans Overview Report
Displays statistics about selected plans
Builds Trend Report
This report displays statistics of Passed vs. Failed builds per month.
Resource Planning
Polarion Resource & Multi Project Management Extension
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Polarion ALM
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Example: Active Questionnaire - Create new Task
This example contains scripts necessary for configuration of a simple form that creates and configures new Tasks.
DLE tools leveraging the HTML Snippet Injector
The Polarion's Document-like Editor (DLE) can now be adjusted by injecting code snippets into the main Polarion frame.
Wiki Scripting Tools
Adds the Velocity tools and Polarion specific objects to the Velocity Context of active Wiki and LiveReport pages to extend scripting possibilities.
Intelizign - Workflow Viewer
A smart viewer to visualize the workflow of Work Items with the capability to transverse through stages.
Teamscale - Lightweight Requirements Tracing
Lightweight Requirements Tracing: Teamscale helps to continuously keep requirements, design, code, and tests in sync in an agile fashion.
Plans Overview Report
Displays statistics about selected plans
Intelizign - Bulk Update
Using a simple user interface, this plugin provides an effortless way to update a set of Work Items.
Projects Fix Time Report
The report shows number of items fixed in NUM weeks after the creation for selected projects.
Items by Status Report
This report displays Work Items (filtered by Work Item type) grouped by status.
xUnit Test Run Report
This Test Run report page displays statistics about xUnit test.
Builds Trend Report
This report displays statistics of Passed vs. Failed builds per month.
Test Run Results Trend Report
This report displays statistics of Passed vs. Failed test runs per month.
Polarion Notification Bar leveraging the HTML Snippet Injector
The interface of Polarion can now be adjusted by injecting code snippets to the main Polarion frame.
Sentence Template for Requirements (Satzschablone)
This extension is intended to assist in formulating requirements according to the IREB standard.
Document Baseline Panel
A document Wiki Content block that correctly lists all document baselines even when the document was moved or renamed in the past. For each baseline, the table includes the baseline name, a hyperlink to the document revision, the revision number (+ link to the LiveDoc Compare View), and the baseline time and date.
Workflow Visualization
Make the workflow status of the Work Item clearly visible throughout the life-cycle, not a black box anymore.
GetPolarionProperties Library
Library for widgets and servlets allowing access to the Polarion Configuration Properties
Assigned Work Widget
This widget is used to analyze a set of work items to list assignees and their assigned work
Intelizign - Document Tailoring
This plugin helps to manipulate and create 100% Documents out of one or more 150% Documents.
avaReporting: Efficient Test Management & Traceability Analysis
avaReporting includes functions for efficient planning, execution, and documentation of tests, as well as traceability analyses.
Lynxwork Fault Tree Analysis
Unlock advanced risk assessment capabilities within your Polarion environment.
System Monitoring and Automatic Backup
This package offers a comprehensive suite of functionalities relevant to automatic system data backup, batch user maintenance, monitoring of user operation, and data operation monitoring, all to achieve a one-stop Polarion maintenance service.
Velocity Work Item Form Extension
Custom Velocity-based forms for Work Items
Polarion – GitLab Bridge
This kit allows to create Issue objects in GitLab and display the information back in Polarion.
Active Questionnaire
This widget renders a custom questionnaire and runs any JavaScript code on the server.
Navigation Panel
Project Explorer for your Report Pages
Defect Flow Diagram
Renders a diagram that visualizes the phase in which a defect was detected and the phase in which it was introduced. By clicking on the chart it is possible to view the corresponding defects.
WBS for ASPICE-MAN.3 Project Planning Management
Utilizing Work Breakdown Structure to manage project planning and progress and realize WIP monitoring of project tasks, responsible people, and deliverables.
Velocity Context Extension Package
This extension provides several helper objects to the Velocity Context in LiveReport Pages, Classic Wiki Pages, and LiveDoc Document Wiki Content Blocks.
reQlab - Automated Requirements Quality Check with State-of-the-Art Artificial Intelligence
reQlab is an artificial intelligence-based requirement engineer integrated into your Polarion. It rates and visualizes requirements during input and gives you a detailed result of the requirements analysis.
avaRisk: Ensure ISO 14971 compliance and interface consistency
avaRisk enables you to map your risk management process digitally and link it directly to the content of the interface processes.
avaUsability: Digital usability file and efficient integration into risk management and product development documentation
avaUsability includes functions to improve the usability of your products through digital documentation of usability engineering activities.
This extension provides a module that can be added to the Work Item form to visualize and process JSON data.
Graphical and Tabular Impact Analysis Widget
This widget is used to analyze the impact of a change by viewing the parents and children of a specific Work Item in a graphical or tabular format.
avaRegulatory: Efficient management of regulatory information & easy integration into product development
avaRegulatory includes functions for management of regulatory documents in a central regulatory library, monitor their validity, and provide easy access.
Nextedy GANTT - Manage Work Items with Gantt
Work Items Gantt brings the interactive high-level project planning & scheduling to Polarion ALM.
Documentation for Polarion Project Configuration
This widget generates a report listing all the Polarion Project Configuration details.
Items by Status Widget
This widget displays Work Items (filtered by Work Item type) grouped by status.
Lucene Query Expander (Backlinked Work Items)
This extension provides a Lucene Query Expander to filter for Work Items having backlinked Work Items with a specific Type, Status, and Role.
Hiding Linked WIs Icons From WI View Header
Allows hiding icons of linked work items from the header in the WI panel view (above and below title). Users can customize default visibility, fade effect, and control (checkbox) availability.
Lynxwork LynxDesigner
Seamlessly create and visualize traceability links from Polarion to any other software application - without having to synchronize any data between the systems.
Linked Work Items Pie Charts Widget
This widget renders pie charts showing details regarding the linked Work Items and linked resources of the selected Work Items.
Intelizign - Document Comparator
Widget to analyze Work Items from multiple Documents side by side and identify differences and similarities.
Pages Agile KANBAN Board Widget
KANBAN board for use on Polarion report Pages
Velocity Trend Chart
Reporting widget that displays trend chart of work done, work planned and capacity of selected plans.
Items by Enumeration
This widget counts the number of work items assigned to the possible selections of a selected enumeration type.
Polarion Log Parser | Analyzer
A small Java tool for high-level Polarion log file analysis. It provides basic information about the log file, lists errors/exceptions, the slowest operations (TXLOGGER lines), etc.
Drawing Diagrams on the Work Item Form Extension Panels
This extension utilizes the HighCharts engine to draw diagrams as part of the Work Item form.
Orphan Links
This extension can help identify and remove orphan links between Work Items.
A diff tool for Polarion including merge functionality of reused documents
Polarion BIRT Report Viewer
Integrate BIRT Reports directly to Polarion Web User Interface.
Custom Enumeration Factories
This plugin extends the OOTB object Enumerations (Documents, Rich Pages, Test Runs, ...) with additional ones - Work Items, Plan Templates, Repository Plans, and Test Run Templates.
Projects Items Trend Report
This report aggregates trend charts of reported work item from selected projects (filtered by custom query).
System Verification Test Statistics
This reports shows test and issues statistics related to system requirements
Nextedy RISKSHEET - Interactive Risk Analysis Editor
Nextedy RISKSHEET delivers the solution to manage, trace, and communicate safety-critical product risks using Hazard Analysis and/or FME(C)A directly in your Polarion ALM.
Extra Widgets for Polarion® ALM™
This Polarion® ALM™ extension contains several extra widgets usable in LiveReport Pages.
Test Run Records Management Tool
Advanced management tools for Test Run records: Remove Records, change a Record's status to "Paused", point to a different Test Case revision and create Defects.
Nextedy WORKSHEET - Interactive Work Tracking
Discover quickly available resources for your project and maximize effectivity.
Work Item Calendar
Render Work Items on the Gregorian Calendar
Control your release or sprint assignments with ease.
Medsoto Tool Checker
A Velocity script for Classic Wiki pages, that enables you to check the installation or the availability of variables and extensions.
Enumeration Option Renderer
Report Pages tool for rendering referred objects
Example: Graphviz - Rendering using viz.js
Graph Visualization Software graph rendering in Polarion
Backward compatible reimplementation of the retired Polarion LivePlan.
Items by Project Pie Chart Report
This report displays a pie chart with the number of Work Items in each Project, filtered by type and resolution status.
Nextedy Security Assessment Kit
Bring visibility into your software security process.
Gamification Framework
This extension framework allows you to introduce gamification to your Polarion environment
Multilevel Traceability Widget
This widget can be configured to display a Multilevel Traceability Table including Work Item fields, Resources (source code) and latest Test Execution results.
Form Extension: Extended Linked Work Items View
This java Form Extension displays linked Work Items with the option to filter the displayed items and customize the table columns.
RepositoryConfigUtil (Velocity Context Extension)
Exposes the IRepositoryConfigService and the configuration properties as java.util.Properties object to the Velocity context in LiveReport and classic wiki pages (and thus also to LiveDoc wiki content blocks).
Affected Change Objects Enhancement for ASPICE-SUP.10 Change Request
Establish bi-directional traceability between Change Requests and affected Work Items, Documents, and the code. Record the versions of the affected Change Objects before and after the change.
SQL Query for Test Runs
This Wiki snippet will add Test Cases to your Test Run based on a SQL query
Nextedy CHECKLIST - Actionable ToDo's on Work Item Form
Extend your Polarion Work Items with action-able checklists and stay clear on what needs to be done to satisfy your workflow process.
Intelizign - Bulk Linking
Using a simple user interface, this plugin provides an effortless way to link a Work Item with multiple other Work Items.
Stacked Run Chart Widget
Show a stacked bar chart of your Test Run data
Polarion RPC Database Appender
Enable logging your RPC statistics in MySQL Database
3 Level Traceability Widget
This widget displays a 3 Level Traceability table
2 Level Test Execution Table
2 Level trace table with test execution details
2 Level Traceability Widget
This widget displays a 2 Level Traceability table
Chart Switcher Widget
Choose what kind of chart you want to visualize in LiveReports
Stacked Bar Chart
Stacked Trend Chart of your Polarion Data
Resource Planning
Polarion Resource & Multi Project Management Extension
3 Level Traceability Widget with Test Records
This widget displays a 3 Level Traceability table where the third column displays the test records from the last execution.
Time Tracking Report
This report should give every user some information on how much time they already worked in the current week or month to check their workload. A Project Manager has another view to see the workload of all project members.
TraceTool allows you to search and analyze traceability independent of link depth. For example, you can find all Requirements which have some defects indirectly linked.
Scalable, Nested, Graphical Gantt Project Plan
A WiKi page showing Polarion live plan as common Gantt diagram. Tasks are sorted by parent relations and start date. They are hierarchically nested and the depth can be dynamically changed. The planned duration from the live plan is used to show scaled graphical bars so that one page fills the complete project plan. Summary tasks are rendered black/italic. Date ranges and time points can be set via the UI and you can change the scale dynamically.