

 TraceTool allows you to search and analyze traceability independent of link depth. For example, you can find all Requirements which have some defects indirectly linked.


The TraceTool is a combination of Plugin and Wiki Extension to enhance display of Traceability Tables.
The Acceleration is based on 2 factors:
  • Caching of traceability data
  • Avoiding of wiki macros to accellerate Wikipage output
The wiki syntax is (EXAMPLE):
$list is an array of WIMiniItem, a special new Class to store only most important data of a Work Item, namely:
  • id
  • title
  • project_id
  • icon
  • tracedWIs
More data could be added via the plugin, or is easy to retrieve via the Velocity/Polarion API
The result is a list of query1 WIMiniItemand for each item you can call getTracedWIs() to get a list of tracedWIMiniItemwhich will satisfy query2.

Wiki Example Code I:

#set($list = $TraceTool.backtrace("type:customerrequirement","type:systemspecification"))

#set($lostChildren = $TraceTool.getUntraced($list).size())
#set($count = $TraceTool.getItemsWithNoChildren($list).size())
#set($AllItems = $list.size())

#info("*$count untraceable* items found of $AllItems items found. *$lostChildren* items are lost children")

<table border="1">
    #foreach($wi in $list)
        #set($icon = $wi.getProperty("icon"))
        #set($title = $wi.getProperty("title"))
        #set($$project_id = $wi.getProperty("project_id"))
        #set($id = $wi.getId())
                ## output "untraceable" as title for WIs without matching parents
                #if($id != "-1")
                    <span onmouseout="this.className='wiItem_normal'" onmouseover="this.className='wiItem_active'" class="wiItem_normal">
                        <a target="_blank" href="/polarion/#/project/$project_id/workitem?id=$id" style="font-size: 11px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" class="">
                            <span title="$title">
                                <img alt="" src="$icon" style="vertical-align: middle; border: 0px none; margin-right: 2px;"/>
                                <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">$id - $title</span>
                ## output all traced WIs
                #foreach($twi in $wi.getTracedWIs())
                    #set($icon = $twi.getProperty("icon"))
                    #set($title = $twi.getProperty("title"))
                    #set($project_id = $twi.getProperty("project_id"))
                    #set($id = $twi.getId())
                    <span onmouseout="this.className='wiItem_normal'" onmouseover="this.className='wiItem_active'" class="wiItem_normal">
                        <a target="_blank" href="/polarion/#/project/$project_id/workitem?id=$id" style="font-size: 11px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" class="">
                            <span title="$title">
                                <img alt="" src="$icon" style="vertical-align: middle; border: 0px none; margin-right: 2px;"/>
                                <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">$id - $title</span>

Extensions Job:

The TraceTool Extension's heart is a Polarion job which will provide the caching of WI:

The Job runs every 5 minutes (configurable) and refreshs the WI-Cache used by the TraceTool Wiki Extension
The XML-snipplet to enables the Caching job:

<job cronExpression="0 0/30 5-22 * * ?" id="TraceTool_updater" name="TraceTool Update Job" scope="system">
    <query> AND NOT type:heading</query>

The query parameter limits the Work Items which are indexed for Tracetool.

MultiQuery traces:

You can also use more than two queries for a Traceability Table but with slightly worse performance and more complex wiki rendering. You are also able to ask for other fields than the standard fields:

#set($tableList = $TraceTool.backtrace(["type:userstory AND$","type:testcase","type:defect"]))
#set($tableList = $TraceTool.trace(["type:defect AND$","type:testcase","type:userstory"]))
#set($wiList = $TraceTool.detailBackTrace(["type:userstory AND$","type:testcase","type:defect"],["assignee","status"]))
#set($wiList = $TraceTool.detailTrace(["type:defect AND$","type:testcase","type:userstory"]))

Wiki Example Code II:

#macro(renderItem $tableData)
    #set($icon = $tableData.getProperty("icon"))
    #set($title = $tableData.getProperty("title"))
    #set($project_id = $tableData.getProperty("project_id"))
    #set($id = $tableData.getId())
    #set($status = $tableData.getProperty("status").getId())
    #set($assignees = [])
    #set($assignees = $tableData.getProperty("assignee"))
    #if($assignees.size() != 0)
        #set($assignees = $assignees.get(0).getId()) ## just tacking the first assignee for example reasons
        #set($assignees = "none")

    <span onmouseout="this.className='wiItem_normal'" onmouseover="this.className='wiItem_active'" class="wiItem_normal">
        <a target="_blank" href="/polarion/#/project/$project_id/workitem?id=$id" style="font-size:11px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" class="">
            <span title="{pre}$title{/pre}">
                <img alt="" src="$icon" style="vertical-align: middle; border: 0px none; margin-right:2px;"/>
                <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">$id - ($assignees) |$status| {pre}$title{/pre}</span>

#macro(showTableCells $cell $firstInRow $currentLevel $maxLevel)
    #if($firstInRow == true)
    <td rowspan="$cell.getTracedWIs().getTotalLeafCount()"> #renderItem($cell)</td>
    #if($cell.getTracedWIs().size() == 0) ## End of traceability path reached?
        #if($maxLevel != $currentLevel) ## Yes: put an optional last <td> with colspan to fill up </tr>
            #set($spans = $maxLevel - $currentLevel)
            <td colspan="$spans">&nbsp;</td>
    #set($firstInRow = true)
    #else ## No: just change FirstInRow to notify next cell to ommit the <tr>
        #set($firstInRow = false)
    #foreach($nextCell in $cell.getTracedWIs())
        #set($currentLevel = $currentLevel + 1)
        #showTableCells($nextCell $firstInRow $currentLevel $maxLevel) ## Recursion into next column
        #set($firstInRow = true)
    #set($currentLevel = $currentLevel - 1)

#macro(showTraceTableRow $row)
        #foreach($column in $row)
            <td align="center">
                &nbsp; <br/> 
                #foreach($cell in $column)
                    #set($icon = $cell.getProperty("icon"))
                    #set($title = $cell.getProperty("title"))
                    #set($project_id = $cell.getProperty("project_id"))
                    #set($id = $cell.getId())
                    <span onmouseout="this.className='wiItem_normal'" onmouseover="this.className='wiItem_active'" class="wiItem_normal">
                        <a target="_blank" href="/polarion/#/project/$project_id/workitem?id=$id" style="font-size:11px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" class="">
                            <span title="{pre}$title{/pre}">
                                <img alt="" src="$icon" style="vertical-align: middle; border: 0px none; margin-right:2px;"/>
                                <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">$id</span>

TraceTool Demo

Here we show the different approaches to visualize traceability:
You can see back and forward trace in condensed view for briefly checking traceability coverage and a detailed analysis. You can also ask for more WI data, like **assignees**, **status**, etc as demonstrated in detailed Traceanalysis. Both views, condensed and Detailed are showing basically the same data.

Condensed Traceview


#set($tableList = $TraceTool.backtrace(["type:userstory AND$","type:testcase","type:defect"]))
<table border="1">
        <td align="center"><b>type:userstory</b></td>
        <td align="center"><b>type:testcase</b></td>
        <td align="center"><b>type:defect</b></td>
    #foreach($traceRow in $tableList)

Impact Trace

#set($tableList = $TraceTool.trace(["type:defect AND$","type:testcase","type:userstory"]))
<table border="1">
        <td align="center"><b>type:defect</b></td>
        <td align="center"><b>type:testcase</b></td>
        <td align="center"><b>type:userstory</b></td>
    #foreach($traceRow in $tableList)

Detailed Traceanalysis

Detail Trace

#set($wiList = $TraceTool.detailBackTrace(["type:userstory AND$","type:testcase","type:defect"],["assignee","status"]))
<table border="1">
        <td align="center"><b>type:userstory</b></td>
        <td align="center"><b>type:testcase</b></td>
        <td align="center"><b>type:defect</b></td>
    #foreach($row in $wiList)
        #showTableCells($row true 0 3)

Detailed Impact Trace(BackTrace)

#set($wiList = $TraceTool.detailTrace(["type:defect AND$","type:testcase","type:userstory"]))
<table border="1">
        <td align="center"><b>type:defect</b></td>
        <td align="center"><b>type:testcase</b></td>
        <td align="center"><b>type:userstory</b></td>
    #foreach($row in $wiList)
        #showTableCells($row true 0 2)



Vendor Michael Dalpiaz (Sirona Dental Systems)
Published Version 1.0 - September 2012
Price Free
Community Supported Extension This extension is not supported by Siemens PLM.
Requirements Polarion version 2011 or 2012, all SRs supported. Not tested on 2010, but it should work.