More than 67 Extensions waiting for your Polarion.
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Builds Trend Report
This report displays statistics of Passed vs. Failed builds per month.
Plans Overview Report
Displays statistics about selected plans
Test Run Results Trend Report
This report displays statistics of Passed vs. Failed test runs per month.
SPE - Seabay Polarion Extensions
SPE is a modular set of tools for using the Polarion API with a thin abstraction layer. Access the Polarion artifacts Workitem, Document, Plan, Testrun, User, Project (and more ...) in an unified way with only one method call. No matter you are working with Classic Wiki Pages or Live Report Pages.
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Resource Planning
Polarion Resource & Multi Project Management Extension
Wiki Macro to Visualize Polarion Workflow
A macro to automatically draw a workflow defined within Polarion using the workflow manager or the workflow xml-file of the workitem. Further customization is possible.
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Polarion ALM
Polarion QA
Polarion X
Module Baseline Link
This wiki script helps you to easily refer to a particular module revision so you do not need to remember the revision id. Also the wiki page can be easily referenced from other wiki pages.
RepositoryConfigUtil (Velocity Context Extension)
Exposes the IRepositoryConfigService and the configuration properties as java.util.Properties object to the Velocity context in LiveReport and classic wiki pages (and thus also to LiveDoc wiki content blocks).
Edit Work Items Directly in a Wiki Page
You want to make some minor manipulations with Work Items in a table in wiki pages - here is a simple example how to implement it
Dynamic Traceability Table
Display traceability information on any number of levels. Each level can be defined by its own query.
Forum - simple forum driven by Polarion
Very simple example that shows how to configure Polarion to run discussion board.It shows custom workitem layout, mutiple custom fields and also how to access workitems data on wiki pages.
Generate PDF from Document or Wiki page
Small program that generates a PDF export from a Document or Wiki page.
Script Charts
Script Chart extension allows you to write scripts that produce printable charts. You can embed such charts easily to your wiki pages
Include content from HTML pages into Wiki pages
Before this extension, there was only one suggested way to include content from some HTML page (e.g. a custom servlet or some external web page) into Polarion Wiki pages, and that was by using an iframe. The big disadvantage of this approach is that the content in the iframe won't be included if you export the Wiki page to PDF. With the approach explained in this extension you will be able to export a Wiki page including the external content
Historical Query TrendChart
See how many items of specific query were in your Repository on weekly basis. It helps you to easily create multi-line trendcharts of items, matching a query, on weekly basis. This uses access to history of Polarion artifacts
Drill Down for Commit Traceabillity
This extension enables drill down for the "Traceability Commits to Work Items" metric -you can click on the metric to view traceable and untraceable commits.
Wiki Scripting Tools
Adds the Velocity tools and Polarion specific objects to the Velocity Context of active Wiki and LiveReport pages to extend scripting possibilities.
Trend Chart of Created/Resolved Work Items by Week
Allows easily create multi-line trendcharts of created or resolved items on weekly basis.
Plans Overview Report
Displays statistics about selected plans
Projects Fix Time Report
The report shows number of items fixed in NUM weeks after the creation for selected projects.
Items by Status Report
This report displays Work Items (filtered by Work Item type) grouped by status.
ScoreBoard Macros
The Scoreboard macros deliver the score boards of the status by a given project-id and workitemtype.
Refer to Current Iteration from your Wiki Pages
Easily refer to current wiki pages.
Test Steps Bulk Updater
This page allows for bulk updating of Work items in the current project after changes to the Test Steps Configuration.
Test Run Results Trend Report
This report displays statistics of Passed vs. Failed test runs per month.
Items by Category
Simple report that shows a pie chart of Work Items by category
Test Run Records Management Tool
Advanced management tools for Test Run records: Remove Records, change a Record's status to "Paused", point to a different Test Case revision and create Defects.
System Verification Test Statistics
This reports shows test and issues statistics related to system requirements
Script: Create New Work Item from a Template
A Velocity script for Classic Wiki pages that enables support for multiple Work Item templates.
FusionCharts Free for Polarion Wiki
FusionCharts Free is an open-source Flash charting component intended to take care of all your basic charting needs. This extension provides a set of Wiki macros that helps to render FusionCharts on Polarion Wiki pages.
Wiki Navigation Toolkit
The Wiki Navigation Toolkit improves wiki navigation by providing easy-to-use macros for menu bars and page layout.
Polarion ALM RiskPack - ISO 14971
The RiskPack for Polarion supports ISO 14971 compliant risk management for medical devices within Polarion.
SPE - Seabay Polarion Extensions
SPE is a modular set of tools for using the Polarion API with a thin abstraction layer. Access the Polarion artifacts Workitem, Document, Plan, Testrun, User, Project (and more ...) in an unified way with only one method call. No matter you are working with Classic Wiki Pages or Live Report Pages.
Document Approvals Wiki
A wiki page to check the approval status of all Work Items in a document, as well as perform workflow actions on all Work Items in the document.
Items by Project Pie Chart Report
This report displays a pie chart with the number of Work Items in each Project, filtered by type and resolution status.
Script Fields
Automatically calculates the value of a Work Item field based on the values of other fields.
Defect Flow Diagram
Renders a diagram that visualizes the phase in which a defect was detected and the phase in which it was introduced. By clicking on the chart it is possible to view the corresponding defects.
Easily create links from one Work Item to multiple other Work Items.
Kanban Project Template
Kanban allows you to easily track tasks (cards) throughout the cards's life cycle. Each card will be promoted from one stage to another either directly or through the use of the Kanban Board. In either case, the move will be reflected in the Kanban Board.
Calendar Constants
Set of calendar constants that can be used to manipulate the java.util.Calendar object
Tour Panel Wiki Page
This extension lets you create a nice tour panel. See screenshots.
Items by Status Widget
This widget displays Work Items (filtered by Work Item type) grouped by status.
Import Microsoft Word® to Polarion Wiki
Imports any Microsoft Word file into dedicated project's Wiki.
Wiki Dialog
This little wiki snippet can be used to create dialogs on your wiki pages.
Kanban Demo
Showcase of various features of Polarion ALM solution and how to combine them together to have Kanban-like reports and metrics.
Builds Trend Report
This report displays statistics of Passed vs. Failed builds per month.
Projects Items Trend Report
This report aggregates trend charts of reported work item from selected projects (filtered by custom query).
Twitter feed on Polarion Wiki
Display your most recent Twitter updates in Polarion Wiki pages.
Create Own Identifiers
This plug-in creates dedicated Identifiers for every Work Item. It will generate a custom field labeled 'Identifier' with the two values 'Prefix' and 'Steps' (e.g. ABC-5). The steps will be incremented at intervals of the value you specify in 'Steps'.
Aggregated Calendar View
This wiki page provides a view to all or selected user calendars so you can easily access your team working days/hours.
Medsoto Tool Checker
A Velocity script for Classic Wiki pages, that enables you to check the installation or the availability of variables and extensions.
Gamification Framework
This extension framework allows you to introduce gamification to your Polarion environment
Create Wiki page from custom template
This extensions lets you create a Wiki page from a custom template. An example for a template "Meeting Minutes" is contained in the package.
Wiki Macro to Visualize Polarion Workflow
A macro to automatically draw a workflow defined within Polarion using the workflow manager or the workflow xml-file of the workitem. Further customization is possible.
Traceability Table: 3-Level Traceability
Display traceability information on three levels. Each level can be defined by its own query. Optionally display all linked revisions in Subversion. Example: Requirements - Test Cases - Defects
Wiki Preview On The Fly
Preview the rendered wiki page "on the fly" while you are writing.
Browse Baseline / Revision Query
Allows you to browse historic revisions of your project and highlights items which have been changed.
Resource Planning
Polarion Resource & Multi Project Management Extension
Test Run Counter
This wiki page counts the Test Run records of all Test Cases. It also writes this number in a custom field of each Test Case by which Test Cases can be sorted.
TraceTool allows you to search and analyze traceability independent of link depth. For example, you can find all Requirements which have some defects indirectly linked.
Test Run Record Report
Display the information of the selected Test Run Report
Find Untraceable / Coverage Query
Allows you to identify untraceable items e.g. requirements without Test Cases. Results will be displayed in one wiki page.
Referenced Work Items Macro
This extension contains a Wiki macro which gets a list of Work Items referenced in a Document.
Auto Task for Test Runs
This wiki snippet will generate a task for each Test Run you create, so you can assign it to a responsible person.
Show Baselines Inside a Wiki Page
Little Wiki snippet which displays table of all existing baselines from a project.
Work Items Status
The status of all Work Items by selecting the Work Item type
Simple Review Template
A template which demonstrates how you can establish a Document-based review process. It works for documents and wiki pages.
Create Work Item out of Wiki Page
Create a Work Item directly out of wiki pages by passing custom parameters from a wiki page.
Play TicTacToe in Polarion.
Assignee Overview
This wiki page shows all users in a project which have assigned Work Items. These users are sorted by the number of Work Items which are assigned to them.
Enhanced Module and Document View
Generates a widely customizable, revision proof view of the Work Items within a module / document with following features: * retrieval of any historic version of the modules Work Items (selectable by max and / or min revision of the module / document) * additional query, based on the selected revision of the module / document, for filtering the Work Items (e.g. targetRelease:1.0 AND severity:blocker) * different predefined templates plus user definable template for layout * GUI for selecting the necessary parameters
QA Board Example: Overview on solutions, Test Cases and defects
Example of a management board which displays all solutions (requirements) planned for the next release, the tasks linked to them and the defects found.
Time Tracking Report
This report should give every user some information on how much time they already worked in the current week or month to check their workload. A Project Manager has another view to see the workload of all project members.