
Wiki Preview On The Fly

 Preview the rendered wiki page "on the fly" while you are writing.


This extension is related to the Classic Wiki technology that is now outdated and replaced by our new LivePage format. We still maintain Classic Wiki but we are no longer extending its feature set.

Please consider implementing the use case you are looking for using a LivePage.

This wiki page displays a rendered preview of the wiki page you are creating while you are typing.

Don't forget to periodically save your script. Previewing the content with the wiki page does not save it whatsoever.

For installation, just create a new wiki page with the content provided in the WikiPreview.txt file of this extension and you are good to go. No further extensions required.


Vendor Timo Stamm (Honeywell Elster)
Published Version 1.0 - December 2013
Price Free
Community Supported Extension This extension is not supported by Siemens PLM.
Requirements Polarion 2013