
Show Baselines Inside a Wiki Page

 Little Wiki snippet which displays table of all existing baselines from a project.


This extension is related to the Classic Wiki technology that is now outdated and replaced by our new LivePage format. We still maintain Classic Wiki but we are no longer extending its feature set.

Please consider implementing the use case you are looking for using a LivePage.

Using this extension you can place a history panel on top of  Wiki page, usually module home page.
If you want to place some particular revision in the history panel - just create a baseline.
Clicking on the revision in the table you will get the document view from this particular revision.

Clicking on the link will display the wikipage in the corresponding version


  • review path to svn executables and repository url in install.bat
  • run install.bat
  • open http://YOURPOLARIONSERVER/polarion/#/wiki/macros/BaselinesTable to check it is installed properly and a hint how to use it


Vendor Tim Pence (Siemens PLM)
Published Version 1.0.0 - August 2009
Price Free
Community Supported Extension This extension is not supported by Siemens PLM.
Requirements Polarion ALM or Polarion Requirements server.