
Find Untraceable / Coverage Query

 Allows you to identify untraceable items e.g. requirements without Test Cases. Results will be displayed in one wiki page.


This extension is related to the Classic Wiki technology that is now outdated and replaced by our new LivePage format. We still maintain Classic Wiki but we are no longer extending its feature set.

Please consider implementing the use case you are looking for using a LivePage.

This wiki page allows you to display all Work Items which can not be traced to other Work Items.

It works in following way:

You define two queries: rootQuery and targetQuery

Then the page will display all Work Items of root query which are not linked to Work Items of target query.  You can use it to find

  • requirements without Test Cases
  • requirements without refinement via solutions
  • requirements without tasks


The target query can be without project scope. This allows you to analyze the whole repository for untraceable items.

Be aware that this will take more time and more ressources




The script can take some time to perform the calculation as it has to iterate through each item found by the root query. Then it has to check if the item has a linked item which was found by the target query.

So be patient if you query for 2000+ items in root query. Also be aware that you may need to increase memory for the java process on the server.





1) create a new wiki page with name: FindUntraceable in your project

2) copy content of FindUntraceable.txt into the created wiki page

3) save the page





Vendor Tim Pence (Siemens PLM)
Published Version 1.0.0 - January 2014
Price Free
Community Supported Extension This extension is not supported by Siemens PLM.
Requirements Polarion 2010