
Drill Down for Commit Traceabillity

 This extension enables drill down for the "Traceability Commits to Work Items" metric -you can click on the metric to view traceable and untraceable commits.


This extension is related to the Classic Wiki technology that is now outdated and replaced by our new LivePage format. We still maintain Classic Wiki but we are no longer extending its feature set.

Please consider implementing the use case you are looking for using a LivePage.

Installation and Configuration

  1. Copy extract to any folder (<extract location>).
  2. Extract to <Polarion Install Location>/polarion
  3. Open a command window and,
  4. cd to <Polarion Install Location>/maven/distribution/bin
  5. Run mvn -s ../../settings.xml -f <extract location>/com.polarion.maven.plugins.tracecommit/pom.xml install
Add the bold line to descriptors.xml (Global Administration - Reports > Report Descriptors):
  <custom-descriptor name="trackeranalysis">
   <description>Tracker Analysis</description>
Using the metric
Copy the content of wiki.txt into a project Wiki page to display the commit traceability with drill down.
For drill down to traceable items to work you have to run the trackeranalysis calculation first (Usually triggered by the Work Item Analysis Job).


Vendor Ben Gleei (Siemens PLM)
Published Version 1.0.1 - January 2014
Price Free
Community Supported Extension This extension is not supported by Siemens PLM.
Requirements Polarion ALM 2010 or Polarion Requirements 2010, or later.