
Example: Active Questionnaire - Create new Task

 This example contains scripts necessary for configuration of a simple form that creates and configures new Tasks.


This example uses Active Questionnaire widget to render a form on a Polarion LiveReport page that 
allows the user to quickly configure and create a new Task Work Item.


How to use

  1. Deploy Active Questionnaire widget.
  2. Create/open any LiveReport page.
  3. Insert an Active Questionnaire widget on the page.
  4. Put content of file questionnaire_definition.txt into the widget's Scripts/Questionnaire Definition parameter.
  5. Put content of file action_js_script.txt into the widget's Scripts/Action JS Script parameter.
  6. Save the page.




Vendor Siemens PLM
Published Version 1.0 - February 2018
Price Free
Community Supported Extension This extension is not supported by Siemens PLM.
Requirements Polarion 2017 SR3 (17.3) and later
(older releases supported but not tested)

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