
Custom Enumeration Factories

 This plugin extends the OOTB object Enumerations (Documents, Rich Pages, Test Runs, ...) with additional ones - Work Items, Plan Templates, Repository Plans, and Test Run Templates.


Available Extensions

  • Work Items 
    • default - NOT type:heading AND
    • with query - NOT type:heading AND (query)
  • Work Items (No ID)
    • default - NOT type:heading AND
    • with query - NOT type:heading AND (query)
  • Plan Templates
    • default -
    • with query - query
  • Repository Plans
    • default - "" (empty query)
    • with query - query
  • Test Run Templates
    • default -
    • with query - query


How to Install

Copy the "bin/com.polarion.alm.custom.enumerationfactories"  folder into the "extensions" folder of your Polarion installation.


Useful Tips

  • Always try to limit the scope of objects being added to the object enumeration.
    • This especially applies to Work Item object enumerations.
    • Having more than several hundred objects in a single list of values, for a single enumeration, can greatly affect performance.



What's New in Version 1.0.12

Updated April 2024

1.0.11 - 1.0.12
- Updated all available enumeration factories to support the new getEnumOptionPrototypes() method introduced in 2404. This makes the custom enumeration factories fully compatible with Polarion REST API so the selected enumeration option will be presented as relationships to OOTB Polarion objects instead of default String enumerations
- Version 1.0.11 is still compatible with Polarion 2404 and newer, but the custom enumeration factories it provides are treated as attributes - generic String-based enumerations - by the Polarion REST API

1.0.7 - 1.0.11
- Updated Plan Templates and Test Run Templates custom enumeration factories to use projectId/objectId syntax for enumeration option IDs
- Optimized performance of Test Run Templates custom enumeration factory and fixed rendering of Test Run Templates as enumeration options
- Adjusted Plan Templates and Test Run Templates custom enumeration factories to be limited to the current scope if no Query is specified and to have Default Repository as a scope if Query is specified
- Prevented cases where custom enumerations could have failed due to the source object being unresolvable

1.0.6 - 1.0.7
- Fixed possible error while trying to build an Enumeration Option with an unresolvable object

1.0.4 - 1.0.6
- Improved performance of all enumeration factories
- Introduced a new Work Items enumeration factory that does not display Work Item IDs

- Initial release of a stand-alone Custom Enumeration Factories extension that is now separate from the Polarion Scaled Agile Template



Vendor Siemens PLM
Published Version 1.0.12 - April 2024
Price Free
Supported by Siemens PLM This extension is supported by Siemens PLM for customers with a current support/maintenance agreement.
Requirements The download package contains two versions of the Custom Enumeration Factories extension
Version 1.0.12 requires Polarion 2404 (3.24.4) and newer and was last tested on Polarion 2404 (3.24.4)
Version 1.0.11 requires Polarion 2018 GA (3.18.0) to Polarion 2310 (3.23.10) and was last tested on Polarion 2310 (3.23.10)
This extension is included in all Polarion X Enterprise customer instances.

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