
Drawing Diagrams on the Work Item Form Extension Panels

 This extension utilizes the HighCharts engine to draw diagrams as part of the Work Item form.


This extension allows to define a custom form extension for drawing diagrams (with HighCharts engine) on the Work Item form.

General Information

  • This extension supports loading of:
    • a HighCharts macro from an external file (how to draw)
      • the URL can be defined as a parameter or a hyperlink
    • a HighCharts macro from a Work Item custom field
    • data in CSV or LOG format from an external file (what to draw)
      • the URL can be defined as a parameter or a hyperlink
    • data in CSV format from a Work Item attachment or a custom field
    • a file in LOG format and parsing its contents to convert the data to the CSV format with a Regex pattern
  • Macro and data files may contain a Work Item ID in the path for loading the WI-specific data from an external source
  • Macro and data files can be taken: 
    • from a local source (Polarion instance file system)
    • externally (http/https)


How to install

  1. Copy the content of the form extension binaries (/bin) to the Polarion extensions folder
    • e.g. C:\Polarion\polarion\extensions
  2. Restart the Polarion server


How to use
To activate the Form Extension go to the Form Configuration (any WI type) and add the following line:

<extension id="hc" label="MY_LABEL" hc_macro_url="URL" data_path_url="URL" pattern="PATTERN"
series="SERIE1,SERIE1,..." csv_data_id="CSV_ID" data_att_file_name="ATTACHMENT_FILE_NAME"


  • hc_macro_url - URL with a path to the file with the HighCharts macro
    • Can be a local file or a remote resource - http(s)
    • Note that if you like to use the CSV data then the macro should contain this line:
      "data: {csv: document.getElementById('csv').innerHTML}" *
  • hc_macro_field_id - Field ID with the HighCharts macro
    • Field type: Multi-line plain text
  • hc_macro_hyperlink_role - Hyperlink Role ID with an URL pointing to the file with the HighCharts macro
  • data_att_file_name - Filename of the WI attachment with the CSV data to be used for the diagram
  • data_field_id - Field ID with the CSV data to be used for the diagram
    • Field type: Multi-line plain text
  • data_path_url - URL with the path to the file with the CSV data file or file with the logs for parsing
  • data_hyperlink_role - Hyperlink Role ID with the URL pointing to the file with the CSV data file or file with the logs for parsing
  • pattern - Regex pattern for parsing the data file and creation of the CSV
    • If the pattern is defined then the CSV data are created by parsing the data file with the given pattern
  • series - Comma-separated list of series names for the UI
  • csv_data_id - ID of the CSV array if different than the default one used in the HighCharts macro:
    • Change it in case you want to show several diagrams for one WI
  • Note: The hc_macro_url and data_path_url parameters can contain %WI_ID% as a placeholder for the current WI's ID
  • Note: The data can be loaded only from exactly one of the sources at once - attachment/field/external file



  • Loading the macro from an external file and the data from the WI attachment
    <extension id="hc" label="HC Diagram" hc_macro_url="https://server/hc/bar.hc"
  • Loading the macro from a local file and the data from a WI custom field:
    <extension id="hc" label="HC Diagram" hc_macro_url="file:///opt/polarion/shared/hc/bar.hc"
  • Loading the macro from a custom field and the data from an external file defined in the WI Hyperlink:
    <extension id="hc" label="HC Diagram" hc_macro_field_id="hc_macro"
  • Loading the macro from a local file and the data from an external file in a LOG format with parsing for converting to the CSV format. The Data file name contains a WI ID:
    <extension id="hi" label="HC Diagram" hc_macro_url="file:///C:/Polarion/shared/share/hc/area.hc"
    pattern="# Date : (.+) >> Summary : Tests (.+) Pass (.+) Fail (.+) Total coverage: (.+)"
  • Loading the macro from an external file that already contains the data (= no need for a separate data file):
    <extension id="hc" label="HC Diagram 2"
  • Showing two diagrams for one WI:
    <extension id="hc" label="HC Diagram" hc_macro_url="https://server/hc/bar.hc"
    <extension id="hi" label="HC Diagram" hc_macro_url="https://server/hc/line2.hc"
    data_att_file_name="data2.csv" csv_data_id="csv2"/>
    • Note: File line2.hc should contain:


The Samples of the HighCharts macros and data files in CSV and LOG formats are available in the extension's distribution package in folder \samples.




Vendor Alexey Andrianov (ADVA Optical Networking SE)
Published Version 1.0.2 - August 2021
Price Free
Community Supported Extension This extension is not supported by Siemens PLM.
Requirements Polarion 20 R1 (3.20.1) and newer
Last tested with Polarion 21 R1 (3.21.1)