This workflow function allows you to set different values for the assignee field.
You can set as assignee:, current.user, any user id which represents an allowed assignee
1) copy com.polarion.workflow.functions.setAssignee_x.x.x.jar into [polarioninstall]/polarion/plugins]
2) restart Polarion
Verfy installation worked
1) Switch to workflow configuration of Polarion.
2) Edit any workflow e.g. workflow.xml and edit some action (use the edit button next to the action)
3) You should see "SetAssignee" as available workflow function.
<function name="SetAssignee">
<param name="assignee" value=""/>
Currently only the assignee attribute is supported. Following values are allowed
assignee = (author/creator of the workitem)
assignee = current.user (current updater of the workitem)
assingee = [allowed user id] (any userid e.g. mTest )