The main goals of ALM-PLM integration are to offer ALM and PLM users access to cross-domain traceability without leaving their authoring environment, provide cross-system lifecycle synchronization and integrated monitoring tools.
Polarion Integration for Windchill® is available for
download on Siemens Support Center.
- Contact your Account Owner or Sales Representative for pricing and license questions or the Sales department directly.
- Contact our support via Siemens Support Center for technical details and assistance.
Polarion Integration for Windchill® integrates Siemens Polarion ALM software with PTC Windchill® PLM software.

Integration users can link elements across systems and expose the relationships in both ALM and PLM systems. Built-in previews of remote elements are available in both systems so that ALM and PLM users benefit from End-to-End traceability without leaving their preferred working environment.
Extended capabilities dedicated to Requirement Management support Polarion ALM as the main tool for storing, authoring, and reviewing Product Requirements. Complying products are managed in the Windchill® PLM system and can be easily linked to their satisfying requirements in Polarion.
The integration supports PLM-based Change Management processes for both products and requirements. Tasks are tracked in both ALM and PLM environments by orchestrating the Change Management process between environments.
Legal Notices
- Polarion is a registered trademark of Polarion AG. Polarion ALM, Polarion REQUIREMENTS, Polarion QA, Polarion PRO, Polarion REVIEWER, and Polarion VARIANTS are trademarks of Polarion AG.
- Siemens and the Siemens logo are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. NX, Solid Edge, and Teamcenter are trademarks or registered trademarks of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. or their subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
- Windchill® is a registered trademark of PTC Inc. and/or its Subsidiary Companies.
- All other copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and logos are the respective property of their holders.
Windchill® extensions are provided as source code. Each one needs to be compiled at the customer site with customer licenses and then deployed in the target Windchill® environment. Refer to the section “Compilation Prerequisites” of the Documentation "Polarion_Integration_for_Windchill_Documentation_1.0.0.pdf" for details on the compilation process.
What's New in Version 2411.0.0
Updated December 2024
Access the full list of implemented ER/PRs in the Readme on the Siemens Product Support website
Release 2411.0.0 delivers the following enhancements:
- Support for Polarion 2410 (3.24.10) and Windchill 13.0.2.
Release 2405.0.0 delivers the following enhancements:
- Support for Polarion 2404.
- Enhanced security is provided for the Windchill Adapter using Content-Security-Policy. This requires configuration otherwise actions from Polarion will be blocked.
Release 2311.0.0 delivers the following enhancements:
- Support for Polarion 2310.
- During Change management task delegation to Polarion, attribute mappings for extended data types are supported (Note: this requires Polarion 2310).
- To ease the creation of Remote links from Polarion, the Windchill state has been added to the Windchill Selection Dialogs.
Release 2.3.0 delivers the following enhancements:
- Support for Polarion 2304 and Windchill 12.1.2.
- New APIs in Windchill to support Polarion Personal Access Token connection.
- New APIs in Windchill to retrieve the configured OSLC associations.
- New configuration properties for Export As PDF from Polarion.
- Single Sign-On configuration is now supported on the Polarion side.
- On the Windchill side specific configuration is required for the integration to work with an SSO-enabled Windchill server.
Release 2.2.0 delivers the following enhancements:
- Support for Polarion 22 R2.
- The Windchill adapter supports UNC paths for the oAuth configuration file custom location.
- Starting with Polarion 22 R1 and Windchill 12, the Windchill extensions support Polarion User Access Token for batch connections.
- A new API is provided on the Windchill side to retrieve attribute values from the linked Polarion object.
- To support native runtime upgrades on the Windchill side, specific integration packages have to be used depending on the target Windchill MOR/CPS level.
- The Adapter runtime libraries have been upgraded in this release. It now requires Java 11 and its logging mechanism has also been updated to log4j2.
Release 2.1.0 delivers the following enhancements:
- Support for Windchill 12.1 and Polarion 22 R1.
- Due to a change in the logging mechanism in Polarion 22 R1, the Polarion side extension logging is updated in this integration release.
Release 2.0.0 delivers the following enhancements:
- Support for Polarion 21 R2.
- The Windchill compilation procedure has been updated in this release. A new Windchill side integration command is provided to facilitate the upgrade process.
- Rename of contexts in Polarion (project) and Windchill (container: product or library) is now supported. Consequently, all existing OSLC associations in Polarion pointing to Windchill must be recreated.
- Starting with Polarion 21 R2, integration commands for upload and PDF export can be included in the Polarion Document Properties sidebar, reducing the administrative overhead.
- New APIs are provided to extend the automation of Polarion object creation from Windchill. The APIs support the Change Management Task delegation mechanism but can also be used from generic workflows and data types.
- For Windchill versions supporting enumerated attribute values, the Windchill Preview now displays the Display name of the attribute in Polarion.
Release 1.3.0 delivers the following enhancements:
- It is now possible to log into Polarion directly from a Change Management task in Windchill® using the "Select ServiceProvider" dialog. Additionally, the Polarion login popup windows are closed automatically after login to ease the process.
- A new API in Polarion allows uploading of both local files or attachments to the Windchill® linked element.
- LiveDocuments can be exported to Windchill as a PDF in a single command using a new wiki script command.
- To facilitate the upgrade process, the Windchill Adapter configuration files can now be stored in a specific location instead of the default one.
- Windchill Part to Document References links are now available in the Windchill Preview from Polarion.
Release 1.2.2 delivers the following enhancements:
- This release introduces attribute mappings during the Change Management task delegation, where attributes of the Windchill Change object can be automatically applied to the linked task in Polarion.
- A new API is provided on the Windchill side to update remote links after a PLM revision.
Release 1.2.1 delivers the following enhancements:
- The Windchill adapter can now be easily configured from a new user interface accessible from the configuration home page.
- OSLC semantics can be configured to provide more flexibility in the linking process. A new OSLC domain is provided to support use cases involving Windchill® Parts. Multiple link types can now be used from Windchill® and customer-defined OSLC domains are also supported.
- This release introduces support for Windchill® 12 and Java 11.
- For Lifecycle Synchronization scenarios, new settings are provided to drive the workflow and the default location of PromotionRequests created from Polarion.
- The Add Remote Link wizard in Windchill® displays a Preview of the selected Polarion Item.
- New APIs are provided on the Windchill® side to interact with Remote Links.
Release 1.1.2 delivers the following enhancements:
- This version fixes Problem Reports.
Release 1.1.1 delivers the following enhancements:
- New APIs are provided on the Polarion side to interact with Remotely Linked elements in Windchill®.
Release 1.1.0 delivers the following enhancements:
- This version adds support for Polarion version 20 R1
- Windchill® extensions configuration can now be performed from Windchill® user interfaces – without requiring any server restart
- The Windchill® Preview from Polarion can be configured to expose Windchill® linked objects as well as their attributes and links
- The integration supports Polarion attachments as well as local files during the Upload of files to the PLM command from Polarion
Release 1.0.1 delivers the following enhancements:
- OSLC Mapping definitions in both the Windchill Adapter and Windchill extensions have been moved to their configuration file in XML format
- The Adapter Selection Dialogs to create remote links from Polarion are no longer case-sensitive in the search criterion. Minor display issues have been fixed in the dialog itself as well
- The Task delegation mechanism is now enabled for all change management object types in Windchill® (PR, CN..)
Release 1.0.0 delivers the following main capabilities:
- Traceability between domains
- Preview
- Link to an existing object
- Create an object in an integrated system
- Lifecycle Synchronization
- Requirements Management
- Change Management
... and more