The workflow plugin allows you to automatically set string or enum fields of linked Work Items. It can copy enum values to the linked Work Item. You can define that a field is set only if a specific condition is met (value of other string/enum fields)
Scenario: If a subtask of type implementation is closed set a custom field like implementation status: of the parent Requirement to implemented (states of subitems can be made visible in parent. Child tasks can be closed in any order).
Attributes which can be set
Attribute name | Description | Example | Allowed values | required |
setStringField | Set value of defined string field in linked workitem First entry = field name Second entry =field value |
setStringField =implementationStatus,implemented | any string | No |
FieldHasValue | Condition: Only if field has specific value perform a setValue or copy operation | fieldHasValue =implementation | Any string, if you check an enumeration field you should use | No |
onlyForTheseItemTypes | Function is only performed for listed item types | onlyForTheseItemTypes =task,requirement | work item types defined in project (e.g. requirement, task …). You must specify the work item id. | No |
copyEnumValueTo | Copy enum value from current item to linked item in specified field. First entry = fromfield (selected WI) Second entry =tofield (linked WI) |
copyEnumValueTo=resolution,resolution | Works for enum fields only | No |
link.roles or |
Process only linked items of that type Process only backlinked items of that type |
link.roles=parent or |
Valid link types in configuration | Yes |
Example Scenario
When child task of type implementation is closed copy resolution field value into requirement field implementation
Example scenario will only work when you have created a custom field for task with name tasktype and a corresponding enumeration.
This can be done in task-custom-fields.xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<field id="tasktype" type="enum:tasktype" name="Task Type" description=""/>
And tasktype-enum.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<option id="implementation" name="Implementation" sortOrder="1"/>
<option id="testspec" name="Test Specification" sortOrder="2"/>
<option id="userdoc" name="User Documentation" sortOrder="3"/>
<option id="analysis" name="Analysis" sortOrder="4"/>
Copy the jar file into Polarion/polarion/plugins directory and restart Polarion.
The function appears in the list when you configure the workflow functions for your workflow action.