
Query for Work Items by Linked Item Type or Link Role

 With this extension you can query for work items which have a backlinked work item with a special type and/or link role. Native Polarion backlinked query syntax is only able to search for backlinked work items within ONE work item id. 
So for example with this extension you can query for all specifications which are linked with a work item from type “task” with the link role “relates_to”.


With this extension you can query for work items which have a backlinked work item with a special type and/or link role. Native Polarion backlinked query syntax is only able to search for backlinked work items within ONE work item id./p>

For example, with this extension you can query for all work items from type “specifications” which are linked with a work item from type “task” with the link role “relates_to”.
Furthermore it is possible to search for work items which have NO backlinked work item with a special type or link role. For example you can query for all test cases which have no backlinked defect. Or you can search for defects which have a backlinked task work item and are therefore tracked to get resolved.
Just use following syntax in Polarion query input field:
type:specification AND backlinkedWorkItemsCustom:childtype=task#role=*
to search for specifications which have a backlinked task work item independent of the link role.

You can also use the wildcard * for “childtype”:
type:requirement AND backlinkedWorkItemsCustom:childtype=*#role=cr_spec
to search for requirements which have a backlinked work item with the link role “cr_spec”.

Otherwise you can also search for work items which have NOT a backlinked work item:
type:specification AND AND backlinkedNotWorkItemsCustom:childtype=task#role=relates_to
to search for specifications which have no backlinked task work item  with the link role “relates_to” within the project “swpf_02.



Vendor Sandro Frenzel (TechniSat Digital GmbH)
Published Version 1.0 - January 2014
Price Free
Community Supported Extension This extension is not supported by Siemens PLM.
Requirements Tested with Polarion 2012. Should also work with Polarion 2013. Polarion h2 database required.