
Intelizign - Script Manager

 Script Manager extension for Polarion is a comprehensive solution designed to empower Polarion administrators in efficiently managing and customizing script files within the Polarion Platform.


The Script Manager extension is an essential tool designed specifically for Polarion Administrators to streamline the management of scripts within the Polarion environment. With a built-in script editor, Polarion administrators can focus on their tasks without switching between different tools. This plugin empowers polarion administrators to perform script file operations, including creation, updation, renaming, and deletion.


Within Polarion, we have integrated a Code Editor to enhance user experience. Prioritizing security and control, this extension ensures that only users with a Global Admin role can access its features. It offers a seamless and user-friendly interface for managing all script-related activities.


Product Features

  • With a built-in script editor, Polarion administrators can focus on script development with syntax highlighting, automatic indentation, and code snippets.
  • The Script Manager plugin can access the following scripts:
    • Pre/post-save Work Item scripts used by the FMC Work Item Save extension
    • Pre/post-save LiveDoc Document scripts used by the Intelizign - LiveDoc Save extension
    • OOTB Workflow scripts of the Polarion workflow feature
  • Only Global Admins can access and utilize the features, ensuring robust security and control.
  • Polarion Administrators can create, preview, delete, and rename files directly within the Polarion platform.
  • The extension fetches valid script files corresponding to their respective directories on the user interface.
  • The use of this extension streamlines the script development, making it more efficient and less time-consuming for administrators.




  1. Stop the Polarion server.
  2. Create folder path \polarion installation directory\polarion\extensions\ScriptManager\eclipse\plugins\.
  3. Copy the extension file script-manager.jar to folder \polarion installation directory\polarion\extensions\ScriptManager\eclipse\plugins\.
  4. Delete the .metadata and .config folders in the workspace directory, usually at C:\Polarion\data\workspace.
  5. Start the Polarion server.


Fetching Script Files From Below Polarion Directory

  • polarion installation directory\polarion\scripts\workitemsave
  • polarion installation directory\scripts\livedocumentsave
  • polarion installation directory\scripts


To contact Intelizign, click here.



Vendor Intelizign Engineering Services GmbH
Published Version 1.0.0 - July 2024
Price Free
Community Supported Extension This extension is not supported by Siemens PLM.
Requirements The extension was developed for and tested with:
* Polarion 21 R2 (3.21.2)
* Polarion 2304 (3.23.4)
* Polarion 2310 (3.23.10)