
semantha: AI-powered requirements evaluation

 With the semantha extension, you evaluate new requirements and stakeholder needs efficiently based on previously evaluated requirements and connect attributes from old to new with just a few clicks.


As a requirements engineer, you regularly read, check, and evaluate countless stakeholder needs and requirements. You usually do that manually – even though much of the content differs only slightly from what was already evaluated. This process can be time-consuming, costly, and error-prone. With Polarion managing the requirements lifecycle and ensuring traceability, semantha enhances your workflow by seamlessly integrating and unlocking the value of existing requirements knowledge. The adaptive AI enables you to analyze stakeholder needs and requirements automatically and offers you several key functions to boost your productivity:


Product Features

  • Derive requirements: Derive structure from a customer document, such as a PDF, and create a Requirements Interchange Format file – ready to upload into Polarion.
  • Create a knowledge base: Centralize previously evaluated requirements from past projects via the semantha extension in Polarion, including all attributes such as valuations and metadata.
  • Knowledge-driven analysis: Automatically compare new requirements on a semantic level with previously evaluated needs and requirements, whether product-, customer-, or version-specific. In Polarion, the semantha extension then presents matching evaluated requirements – along with related information and references.
  • Evaluate and connect related objects: Use the match results to quickly check new requirements and update attributes like scope, priority, and comments, and create links with just a few clicks. The system also displays related work items in Polarion for clear reference points.
  • Stay in control: Stay in full control with the autonomy to override semantha’s suggestions. Review, approve, decline, and update attributes or perform linking manually as needed.


Key Benefits

  • Data consistency: Future-proof data integration is ensured as the semantha and Polarion data models are fully compatible. The extension operates within established workflows and adheres to Polarion's item approval process.
  • Traceability: All updates, changes, and overrides are properly attributed to users, enhancing action traceability within Polarion.
  • Improved results: semantha learns from user actions, refining its understanding to account for new or updated information.
  • Efficiency boost: Productivity is increased many times over by processing new requirements using existing knowledge and minimizing manual effort.
  • Increased quality: semantha reduces the risk of overlooking critical details, improving the overall quality of requirements analysis.





How to get started:

  1. Get in contact with us.
  2. We’ll briefly discuss your use case and quickly set up the best solution for you.
  3. You’ll get access to semantha and can download the extension.
  4. You can deploy/configure the semantha extension. It takes less than 15 minutes and you’re ready to go.



Vendor thingsTHINKING GmbH
Published Version 8.5 - January 2025
Supported by Partner This extension is supported by a Siemens PLM Partner.
Requirements Polarion 2304 (3.23.4) and newer
Last tested with Polarion 2410 (3.24.10)