

 Advanced PDF-Exporter using WeasyPrint as a PDF engine.


This PDF-Exporter provides many features over the out-of-the-box Polarion PDF Exporter.


Stand-out Features

  • Export only specific link roles in the Work Item tracker
  • Optionally hide attributes in the Work Item table if they have no values
  • Support SVG images
  • Advanced LiveDoc comments rendering
  • Select any page orientation 
  • Customize the CSS styles
  • Support PDF version 1.7 and with it the PDF variant a-2b

More detailed info can be found in the PDFs bundled with the extension's distribution package.

If you have any questions, contact


What's New in Version 5.1.2

Updated June 2024

Changes for 3.12.0 - 5.1.2
- Support for Polarion 2404
- Support for WeasyPrint 61.2.0
- It is now recommended to integrate WeasyPrint as a service
- WeasyPrint is now available as a Docker image (not just a Docker file)
- Support for SVG v2.0 (Polarion diagrams) through server-side Chromium
- Changed “Fit images and tables to page width” to “Fit images and tables to page"
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements

Version 3.12.0
- Initial Release



Vendor SBB AG
Published Version 5.1.2 - June 2024
Price Free
Community Supported Extension This extension is not supported by Siemens PLM.
Requirements Polarion 2304 and later
WeasyPrint installed (Docker image provided)
Last tested with Polarion 2404 (3.24.4)

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