
System of Systems Template

 Manage different versions of Systems and the consistency of all the related specification documents. Create new versions of a System and automatically reuse and branch all the related specification documents. Manage Issues and Change Requests for a System. Manage software Releases and Patches for a System.


The System of Systems Template (SOS Template ;-) addresses the following uses cases

Basic Functions

  • Manage different System versions and maintain the consistency of all related specification documents.
  • Produce System baselines with a historic Traceability report for a selected System and its related documents.
  • Create new versions of a System and automatically reuse all the related specification documents.
  • Manage a System's Issues and Change Requests.
  • Manage a System's software Releases and Patches.
  • Workflows for Systems, Releases, Change Requests, Defects, System Requirements, System Test Cases, and Tasks.


Advanced Functions

  • Build a System of Systems and automatically reuse all sub-Systems and related specification documents.
  • Reuse a Reference System that contains sub-Systems to start new customer projects
  • Reuse sub-Systems from other projects.
  • View what Systems were reused and what use cases they were reused for.
  • View which Requirements/Test Cases/etc. are part of what System version.
  • View Traceability reports for a System and its sub-Systems.


In a Nutshell

  • A System is represented by a Product/System Work Item type.
  • All specification documents of a Product/System are listed and can be edited in the corresponding Work Item field.
  • Each Product/System has at least one linked Release that tracks all the information about the released Product. (For software, it contains links to the source code, builds, and related Test Runs). For a patch release, a Product/System has several Release Work Items linked to it.
    • Product/System: Documents the behavior of the System.
    • Release: Documents the actual deliverable.
  • When you create a new version of a System, use the new Version button. It will create a new System Work Item and branch all relevant specification documents.
  • In a new version of a Product/System, you must overwrite the original Work Items whenever you want to change a System Requirement or System Test Case in a specification document.
  • If a Product/System is composed of sub-Systems, you can easily add them to the sub-System section in the Work Item form. Sub-Systems are also represented by Product/System Work Items. Any System can be a sub-System of another System. Sub-Systems are added to the Product/System in the Sub-Systems field.



  • See the readme.txt file in the distribution package.


Enjoy and have fun with the template.


What's New in Version 1.9 (build 501)

Updated June 2024

Changes for 1.9.496 - 1.9.501

Bug Fixes:
- SOS-44200 - Traceability Report no longer shows an empty page
- SOS-44199 - Fixed Null Pointer Exception when overwriting a System Requirement in 1.8 projects


Changes for 1.8.386 - 1.9.496
ATTENTION: This version of the SOS Template will only work with Polarion 2310 or newer (new features in Polarion RestAPI).

A list of notable features follows:
SOS Context
- Imagine the SOS Context as your map for navigating through the maze of systems and versions in Polarion. You should always set an SOS Context before editing requirements or documents within a system. It helps you easily locate Work Items within any system. Clicking on links takes you directly to the relevant document, showing the specific version of the work item you need. Think of the root system as the starting point on this map, defining which systems are part of it. When you're working with a subsystem used in multiple systems, the SOS Context helps you identify the right requirements in the correct system. It's like having a practical tool that keeps you oriented in your project's landscape. Consider this: when you've established the SOS context, you'll receive helpful cues ensuring you're editing the right requirement. If necessary, it prompts you to open the requirement in a different document before making changes. This precaution prevents unintentional alterations to requirements in the wrong system version.
Traceability Tables
- New traceability tables with lazy loading options and 2 different visualizations: Document or Table

To get more information about the new features, check this video:

- SOS-44055 - Planning Support multi-project plans and do not show system requirements as plannable items
- SOS-44036 - Release Note: Navigation and buttons do not appear anymore on pdf export
- SOS-44012 - Suspect Work Items Button
- SOS-44004 - Configure Work Item Types in System Menu
- SOS-44003 - SOS Actions Menu
- SOS-43901 - workflow: overwriteAndRelink function can now operate in SOSContext
- SOS-43900 - Search in the Defined SOS context
- SOS-43899 - System context is displayed and respected in the system links section
- SOS-43895 - Document Sidebar: System Links
- SOS-43886 - Workflow Extension: SOS_Workflow RemoveOutgoingLinks
- SOS-43374 - SOS Document Traceability Report in System Context
- SOS-43372 - Remove Velocity Form Extension from Package
- SOS-43371 - API changes & methods
- SOS-43357 - Improve Speed of SOS Traceability Report
- SOS-43354 - System Documents: Show Incoming Merges From Previous Version
- SOS-22719 - Document Name Conversion: Better Handling of Special Characters from different languages
- SOS-22715 - Update form extensions to use configuration parameters from the $sosConfig tool
- SOS-22706 - Maintenance: Central Management of Configuration Parameters
- SOS-22689 - UI: Hovering in menus
- SOS-22683 - Example Documentation: How to create and update menus
- SOS-22681 - System Test Case: Can now be linked to user stories, change requests & defects
- SOS-22320 - Prioritize Work Items button should open in a new window
- SOS-44002 - Generate Variant Documents: Improved problem handling
- SOS-43912 - release Plan: accepted items are displayed in the first column
- SOS-43897 - User Story: Possibility to Add Linked User Stories
- SOS-43890 - Work Item: Configuration Parameter - display containing documents
- SOS-43884 - Generate Variant Documents: Better user guidance in the form
- SOS-43746 - Variant Work Item: Changed Layout - Generated Documents is now at the bottom
- SOS-43710 - Configuration Update: systemtestcase Work Item has an additional field: pvRestriction
- SOS-43706 - Additional Parameter in Page to filter generated documents
- SOS-43376 - Coverage Report: Remove links to it but keep it for legacy reasons
- SOS-22717 - Minor UI Improvements in menus and button bar
- SOS-22716 - Buttons to create documents directly in the system documents section
- SOS-22705 - Maintenance: Make the sosUtil tool available in the Active Questionnaire context
- SOS-22692 - Workflow: Template Specification Documents can be Stored in Other Projects
- SOS-22686 - Planning: Change standard planning template from time-based to story points-based planning
- SOS-22677 - Option to link test cases to change requests, defects, and user stories
- SOS-22676 - Document Panel: Display system documents also in the document properties view
- SOS-22673 - SOS Architecture Widget: Drill down button will always open the page where the widget is displayed

Bug Fixes:
- SOS-44000 - Add Blackbox Document: Existing documents were added to the default field
- SOS-43999 - Select Features button: incorrect Link when feature model is in another project
- SOS-43997 - Replace With New Version: Documents were not branched when located in a different project
- SOS-43910 - Widget: Replace Subsystem with a new version created floating references
- SOS-43891 - Creating a new version of the subsystem in another project did create a new system version in the current project
- SOS-43858 - Recursion in system Documents Report
- SOS-43711 - Generate Variant Documents: Error when no filter was applied in rich page properties
- SOS-43358 - Link to Coverage Reports had wrong parameters
- SOS-24361 - In Parameter View: Click on Work Item did not select Work Item in the document
- SOS-22688 - Error message in document macro when a variant of a generated specification was deleted after generation
- SOS-22680 - ContainedInDocuments Form Extensions: ERROR: Invocation of method 'queryWorkItems' in class $ITrackerService_189696f73db
- SOS-22675 - wrong indentation in Polarion tree view
- SOS-44001 - Form extension: System documents had a wrong label and tooltip


Changes for 1.7.295 - 1.8.386
ATTENTION: This version of the SOS Template will only work with Polarion 2304 or newer (update to the new scripting engine of Polarion).

- Among more minor changes and bug fixes, you can now build a variant of variants structure based on a system of systems.
- Select features for the structure of a complete variant and then automatically select and generate all variant documents for a variant of the variant structure.

- SOS-22301 - Support of Polarion 2304 - Compile for Java 17
- SOS-22300 - Support of Polarion 2304 - Changed JavaScript (Nashorn) to Graal VM
- SOS-22292 - Open Related System Button for Variant
- SOS-22290 - Deep Creation of Variants for a System
- SOS-22560 - Task Work Item: Updated form configuration
- SOS-22286 - Variant Work Item: Option to Generate Variant Documents
- SOS-22273 - Automatically select and branch all relevant documents for a variant
- SOS-22324 - Improved build process for easier maintenance
- SOS-22299 - User Story: New custom field: notInReleaseNote
- SOS-22297 - Change the title of the new release item on system creation
- SOS-22287 - Variant Work Item: remove standard form extensions for Variants

Bug Fixes:
- SOS-22321 - Javascript error reported in Polarion log
- SOS-22296 - Improve implementation of delete/remove document
- SOS-22294 - Unresolveable document error when a document was deleted but is still referenced in the list
- SOS-22293 - Select Features was not working
- SOS-22291 - Related Variants list only showed variants in the same project
- SOS-22288 - The tooltip on the menu buttons was hidden


Changes for 1.6.226 - 1.7.295

Among many minor improvements, the following more significant changes are worth mentioning:
- Architecture widget which displays systems in a hierarchical structure.
- Management of parameters: You can define parameters as configuration Work Items and reference them inside the description of Work Items. All parameters are configuration-aware, meaning they are applied only to Work Items in the same system version.

- SOS-21448 - Configuration Parameters in Testruns: Workflow action + enhanced test execution form
- SOS-21436 - Configuration Work Item: new custom fields and refined documentation
- SOS-21435 - Configuration Work Item: New Workflow Action: UpdateTestParameter
- SOS-21434 - System Workflow: Shortcut to publish a system
- SOS-21433 - Widget: SOS Document Report
- SOS-21401 - System Architecture Widget
- SOS-21398 - Reworked system/subsystems panel on top of Work Item
- SOS-21397 - Cleaned up Subsystem List
- SOS-21396 - Javascripts + libraries are managed in a common directory
- SOS-21394 - Blackbox Whitebox consolidation in one table
- SOS-21378 - SOS API: Possibility to create Buttons & Buttonbars
- SOS-21377 - Variant Work Items can now be part of a system tree
- SOS-21274 - API: Option to create Menus and Buttons
- SOS-21213 - Workflow Action: create Linked Release
- SOS-21022 - Support to add variants as subsystems
- SOS-20908 - Additional Option: "Create New Version In"
- SOS-20449 - Improved Button bar
- SOS-20119 - Optimize import statements in scripts
- SOS-21439 - Changed Name of configuration Work Item
- SOS-21438 - Link role configures now also from configuration to test cases
- SOS-21437 - System Work Item: default value for the initial version
- SOS-21399 - Updated wiki macro in template documents
- SOS-21395 - Release Work Item: All Wis are displayed in the resolved Work Items Table
- SOS-21212 - Additional Parameters in Sub Navigation Widget
- SOS-21193 - Button and Page To Create A Baseline for A System
- SOS-21189 - Reworked UI to add and create documents
- SOS-21170 - Version field has default value "1.0"
- SOS-21169 - Workflow Action which allows to copy and add multiple documents to a system
- SOS-21167 - Task Work Item has additional custom fields
- SOS-21165 - System ButtonBar: Create Task should behave like create defect et others...
- SOS-21102 - Streamlined „Create New Version" Dialog

Bug Fixes:
- SOS-21447 - Small bugfix on System Report Page and layout change on system traceability page
- SOS-21400 - Referenced Documents of a requirement: Form extension did not display generated variants
- SOS-21164 - Wrong Toolbar Button: Create Tasks
- SOS-20906 - When the system was reused in other projects referenced documents were not displayed correctly
- SOS-20399 - When BlackBox Form extensions are disabled WhiteBox is not rendered correctly


Changes for 1.5.217 - 1.6.226
This is mainly a maintenance release to ensure compatibility with Polarion 22 R1.

- SOS-20118 - Clean-up legacy extensions
- SOS-19879 - Empty Test Run is not automatically created and added to release any more
- SOS-20115 - Remove Log4J Dependencies
- SOS-20215 - Removed all references to form extensions with numbers at the end

Bug Fixes:
- SOS-20120 - The Word Import button was missing
- SOS-20037 - Error message on SOS home page


Changes for 1.5.216 - 1.5.217
Bug Fixes:
- SOS-19890 - Impossible to create a new test run due to the hardcoded projectID


Changes for 1.4 - 1.5

- SOS-19819 - Reworked Widgets and Widget Icons
- SOS-19800 - Custom Field: verificationCriteria for System Requirement
- SOS-19799 - Display Linked SystemRequirements Description Directly in System Test Case
- SOS-19797 - Display Work Items Content (by query, links, or both)
- SOS-19749 - Newired guidance for basic features
- SOS-19748 - Updated Button Bar: Menu Groups for Process Areas
- SOS-18360 - Import Word Document Button in System Toolbar
- SOS-18196 - Refactoring: Make form extensions easier to use for guidance tools
- SOS-17645 - Create a Test Run for the currently selected System
- SOS-19769 - Generic Coverage Report which can be called from the system
- SOS-19747 - Display Updated Work Items Also For Defects And User Stories
- SOS-17991 - Possible to limit displayed Work Items in form extension: SOS_workItem_tableWidgetQuery.vm
- SOS-17989 - Form Extension: display all related test runs
- SOS-9063 - Health Check if SOS is installed correctly

Bug Fixes:
- SOS-19796 - Refactoring: SOS_system_search_panel.vm
- SOS-19744 - File was not part of the installation package

Known Issues:
- SOS-18194 - Incorrect rendering of system item when displayed in Teamcenter
- SOS-16978 - Impossible to create a new version when " are in the title
- SOS-16956 - Compare Variant Configuration report does not always show overwritten Work Items


Changes for 1.3.1 - 1.4

- SOS-17918 - Clicking on "related system/release of a plan" will open it in the same tab
- SOS-17917 - Report Pages have a link back to System Work Item
- SOS-17916 - Adding existing Sub System will directly reopen system Work Item after successful addition
- SOS-17915 - Improved Confirmation Dialog When Adding Multiple Subsystems
- SOS-17823 - Updated description of the release plan
- SOS-17791 - Configuration Change: User Story links now to system requirements
- SOS-17789 - Change Request Workflow: Changed the order of status
- SOS-17788 - System Requirement Workflow changed
- SOS-17787 - Button to open Work Items by a status report for the system
- SOS-17781 - The system button bar has additional buttons and menus
- SOS-17780 - CR Workflow Update: mark Implemented action now displays resolved In Release(s) in transition
- SOS-17779 - Search Panel in System Work Item Form
- SOS-17776 - Improved Navigation through the system, and subsystems
- SOS-17775 - $sosUtil.getAllSuperSystemsQuery
- SOS-17774 - Removing and deleting a Document will directly bring you back to the system Work Item
- SOS-17713 - Release form configuration now always shows test run and build
- SOS-17651 - The relatedPlan field is now always shown
- SOS-17648 - New sosUtil Methods to check for related plans
- SOS-17646 - Example Page to Demonstrate Reports with sosUtil Tool
- SOS-16968 - User Story as additional planning element next to CR, issue, and task

Bug Fixes:
- SOS-17900 - Subsystem remove button did not update UI correctly
- SOS-17652 - Wrong path in install guide for scripts directory
- SOS-17649 - Method sosUtil.getBacklogQuery() did not show all relevant Work Items
- SOS-17644 - Method sosUtil.get*WorkItemsQuery returned "SELECT NULL WHERE FALSE" instead of an empty result query
- SOS-17643 - The sosUtil.getContainedWorkitems et. other queries brought the same result
- SOS-17624 - SOS Sub Navigation: Icon was not vertically aligned in the middle
- SOS-17619 - $sosUtil.getAllSubSystemsQuery("wiId") did not stop when recursion in the system
- SOS-17602 - The sosUtil Tool API has a wrong constant value for the subsystems field
- SOS-14717 - Exception (see server log for details) Invocation of method 'getCustomField' in class on System Backlog page
- SOS-8929 - Replace the word "component" with "system" in the confirmation dialog when creating a new plan


Changes for 1.2 - 1.3.1

- SOS-17551 - Introduced User Story as an additional Work Item type
- SOS-17549 - $sosUtil Tool to improve scripting on top of SOS Template
- SOS-17545 - System Requirement Work Item: changedBecause is now a multi-enum field
- SOS-17544 - Removed sosQueryExtension from the build
- SOS-16969 - Step-by-step guide now has a Work Item type description
- SOS-16959 - Release note contains known issues section
- SOS-16469 - Better description of the traceability report
- SOS-16396 - Workflow Change: Overwrite & Relink now also checks BlackBox specification
- SOS-16248 - Additional Button in Release Notes: System Backlog
- SOS-16161 - The change workflow of the change request to rejected now requires adding a resolution
- SOS-16160 - Warning message in a document that document is automatically generated
- SOS-15930 - More advanced delete operation
- SOS-15389 - System Button Bar must now be clicked to expand
- SOS-15388 - System Plan now displays changedBecause information
- SOS-15383 - Button to open or create a plan for the system
- SOS-15242 - Traceability report has additional information that you can click on the headings and link back to the system Work Item
- SOS-15243 - Buttons to prioritize defects and change requests in backlog report
- SOS-15301 - Display SOS Template Release information on the project homepage

Bug Fixes:
- SOS-17548 - The custom field in the user story Work Item was not replaced with project-id
- SOS-17547 - Unreadable character in the legal notice
- SOS-17546 - The plan shows too many items in the "attention needed" section
- SOS-17257 - SOSQueryExtension creates too much logging information
- SOS-17255 - Kanban board in release plan does only respect states of CR Work Items
- SOS-16977 - Typo in configuration parameter template document
- SOS-16960 - The option "Do not copy custom fields" was ignored in the "Component New Version" Widget
- SOS-16876 - Create a new Plan Button on the Backlog report that did not work correctly
- SOS-16527 - Removed duplicate confirmation message in deep deletion page
- SOS-16216 - Problem with adding/removing documents from a variant
- SOS-15589 - Creation of a new document and its addition to the system fails if the document title cannot be resolved
- SOS-15476 - Creating a new version fails to branch referenced documents if a baseline exists in the project with an empty description

Known Issues:
- SOS-16978 - Impossible to create a new version when " are in the title
- SOS-16956 - Compare Variant Configuration report does not always show overwritten Work Items


Changes for 1.1 - 1.2

- SOS-15263 - Reuse System Action with "better" description
- SOS-15246 - System Backlog Report displays related variants
- SOS-15233 - System View (Versions) now displays older releases in Status published
- SOS-14762 - Changed Form Filter for Change Request and Defect Work Item
- SOS-14761 - Info Message in "New Version Dialog" when baselines exist
- SOS-14697 - Improved Navigation From a System Work Item

Bug Fixes:
- SOS-15245 - The option to "Create a new version of the system" also duplicates the plan
- SOS-15244 - Copy variant also copies the related plan
- SOS-15231 - Change assignee and author of template Work Items to admin whenever a user is set
- SOS-15196 - Remove non-standard users from the project template
- SOS-14827 - Documents are not displayed correctly after patch 1
- SOS-14819 - White Box Documents: The dropdown menu is not displayed correctly
- SOS-14817 - Create a new version widget: Fields not to duplicate are ignored


Changes for 1.0 - 1.1
- QuickStart guide with videos
- Possibility to create variants for a system
- Variant Comparison Report
- Release notes report
- Support of black box and white box specifications
- Support of Polarion Collections (Collections can be created by workflow)
- UI enhancements
- Display changed requirements directly in related change request

See the release note in the download package for more information on bug fixes and improvements



Vendor Tim Ströbele (Siemens PLM)
Published Version 1.9 (build 501) - June 2024
Price Free
Community Supported Extension This extension is not supported by Siemens PLM.
Requirements The download package contains three versions of the SoS Template
Version 1.9 (build 501) requires Polarion 2310 (3.23.10) and newer and was last tested on Polarion 2404 (3.24.4)
Version 1.8 (build 386) requires Polarion 2304 (3.23.4) and newer and was last tested on Polarion 2304 (3.23.4)
Version 1.7 (build 295) requires Polarion 22 R1 (3.22.1) to Polarion 22 R2 (3.22.2)