
Polarion Connector for dSPACE SYNECT

 This extension provides automatic and complete traceability from Polarion® Requirements™ to test results when using the dSPACE AutomationDesk test automation tool or other third-party testing tools in the Model-Based Design (MBD) process for embedded software validation.


Polarion Connector for dSPACE SYNECT allows MBD users to achieve traceability from the test requirements to test results in an automated process. The bi-directional data exchange between the Siemens Polarion Requirements and the dSPACE SYNECT data management platform allows users to import test cases created in Polarion QA to SYNECT and automate the execution of the test runs with the dSPACE test automation tool AutomationDesk or any other MBD test tool. The test results can then be automatically transferred to Polarion Requirements after the results have been reviewed in SYNECT. This enables an efficient traceable solution from Polarion Requirements to Test Results for MBD test engineers who execute tests either on Model-in-the-Loop (MIL), Software-In-the-Loop (SIL) or Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) platforms.

After an automated test run, users also have the capability to create Defect work items in Polarion, directly from SYNECT, based on a failed test case. Thus, the users can easily provide further information to test result without the need of a tool switch and without manually caring about traceability of artifacts.

The integration also provides flexibility to import Test Runs created in Polarion QA to SYNECT, which helps users plan a test execution using Polarion and then automatically execute those tests from SYNECT. This helps engineers to plan their available test resources efficiently.

The import and export attributes of data can be customized using a simple interface that defines the mapping from Polarion to SYNECT and vice versa. This enables the users to manage the test data for every work item, as needed from the test tool.

Alternatively, the Requirements from Polarion can be imported into SYNECT and linked to test cases created in SYNECT, which might have originated from engineering tools like AutomationDesk or even Excel. And after automatic execution of test cases the results can be transferred to Polarion to create test cases and test runs closing the loop for complete requirements traceability in Polarion.

dSPACE SYNECT is a data management and collaboration platform with a special focus on the MBD development process. It offers seamless integration with all dSPACE products for the entire MBD lifecycle and integrates to various other third-party engineering tools via published or standardized APIs.

For more information on SYNECT, visit the product page or email


About dSPACE

dSPACE develops and distributes integrated hardware and software tools for developing and testing electronic control units and mechatronic controls. The application areas for dSPACE systems are in the automotive industry, as well as in drives technology, aerospace, and other industrial sectors. The company's customer base includes virtually all major vehicle manufacturers and suppliers. With close to 1,600 employees worldwide, dSPACE is located in Paderborn, Germany; has three project centers in Germany; and serves customers through local dSPACE companies in the USA, the UK, France, Japan, and China.



Vendor dSPACE
Published Version 1.0 - February 2019
Price Free
Supported by Partner This extension is supported by a Siemens PLM Partner.
  • dSPACE SYNECT® Release 2.4 or newer
  • Following Polarion® QA™ versions are supported:
    • Polarion® QA™ 2015
    • Polarion® QA™ 2016 SR3 (16.3)
    • Polarion® QA™ 2018 SR1 (18.1), 2018 SR2 (18.2)