
Classic Wiki Project Templates

 The original built-in templates were replaced by templates built with our new LiveReport™ technology. This template package is for customers who wish to continue to use the classic Wiki based versions.


This extension is related to the Classic Wiki technology that is now outdated and replaced by our new LivePage format. We still maintain the Classic Wiki but we are no longer extending its feature set.

Please consider implementing the use case you are looking for using a LivePage.


This template package lets customers access the classic Wiki versions of the templates that were replaced by the new LiveReport based templates.


The package contains:

  • Agile Software Project Template
    • Replaced by the new LiveReport Agile Software Project template in Polarion 3.17.1
  • Software Project Template
    • Replaced by the new LiveReport V-Model Project Template in Polarion 3.17.2
  • Software QA Project Template
    • Replaced by the new LiveReport V-Model QA Project Template in Polarion 3.17.2
  • Software Specification Project Template
    • Replaced by the new LiveReport V-Model REQ Project Template in Polarion 3.17.2
  • System Engineering Project Template
    • Replaced by the new LiveReport V-Model Project Template in Polarion 3.17.2
  • System QA Project Template
    • Replaced by the new LiveReport V-Model QA Project Template in Polarion 3.17.2
  • System Specification Project Template
    • Replaced by the new LiveReport V-Model REQ Project Template in Polarion 3.17.2


Quick Guide:

  1. Download and unpack the distribution file (
  2. To create a project based on a Classic Template:
    1. In Polarion, go to Administration Global Administration Project Templates.
    2. Click on Upload, select the zip file in the folder with the template you want to use and click Finish.
    3. Go to Global Administration ► Projects,
    4. Click on New Project, specify an ID, Location and Tracker Prefix then click Next.
    5. Choose the template you just uploaded in the drop down menu and click Next.
    6. Wait for the project creation to finish.
    7. Switch to the project in the Project Browser.


Vendor Siemens PLM
Published Version 3.17.0 - September 2017
Price Free
Community Supported Extension This extension is not supported by Siemens PLM.
Requirements Polarion version 3.10.0 and later