
Tool Qualification Kit

 This template (part of the ALM Automotive Solution) enables user to execute a Qualification of a Tool Chain, Tool or a Tool's Function in accordance to the ISO 26262-8 Part 11: Confidence in the use of software tools; as well as it provides Use Cases and their related Test Cases which are relevant for a Tool Qualification - validation & assesment - of Siemens Polarion


This template can be adjusted to also support different types of Tool Qualifications prescribed by standards from another fields and industries.


This Tool Qualification Kit gives system developers a way to provide a valid safety argument, supported by evidence, that a Tool Chain, Tool or a Tool’s Function comply with ISO 26262-8 qualification standards.


This distribution package contains all necessary components for running Tool Qualification Kit Template in Polarion.


Template Description:

The TQK is a supported template that enables the qualification of ALM itself, and/or the qualification of ALM combined with other software tools, or the qualification of most any software tool or tool-chains, in accordance with chapter 11 of ISO 26262-8, “Confidence in the use of software tools.”

The TQK jumpstarts a project approach to a tool qualification effort by providing work items, work item linkage, workflow, and the resulting reporting reflecting the structure and qualification methods articulated in ISO 26262-8:11. Additionally, included with the TQK are a standard set of ALM use cases which represent the usual and customary functions of ALM as delivered out-of-the-box.

The TQK combined with the standard set of ALM use cases are serviceable to qualify ALM within your own technology environment, and the TQK and use cases are fully flexible, modifiable, and extensible such that they can be used to qualify ALM as adapted to your uses, and/or as the basis to qualify other tools in a variety of scenarios that incorporate your specific planned intended use cases.

The TQK is also flexible such that it can manage scenarios of required confirmation procedures in order to gain supportable comfort that a prequalified tool confidence level has validity within the context of your intended use, and/or remains valid in the context of your unique tool-chain. Additionally, the flexibility of the ALM TQK allows for incorporation and/or integration of 'qual kits' as may be available with other tools. 


Capitalizing on the inherent traceability and historical data of ALM itself, the TQK produces richly relevant, yet also customizable audit reporting and documentation, combined with easily identified and linked supporting evidentiary artifacts.

The TQK, along with the other ISO 26262 templates in the ALM Automotive Solution (ALMAS), provide a rich set of capabilities that are paramount to development of safety-critical elements, including facilitating the presentation of comprehensive and persuasive safety cases to regulators and assessors.


Quick Guide:

  1. Download and unpack the distribution file
  2. Open file INSTALL.txt and follow the installation guide



What's New in Version 1.0.7

Updated March 2023

Changes for 1.0.6 - 1.0.7
- Scripts are now compatible with the GraalVM JavaScript scripting engine that is now enabled as default with Polarion 2304 (3.23.4)
- The Test Case Specification is now properly reused by branching if one is provided while creating the Work Item for the VoT method

Changes for 1.0.5 - 1.0.6
- Extension com.polarion.fme.workitemsave.actions was updated to version 1.5.0 to make it compatible with Java 17
- Scripts were reworked to be compatible with changes in API that happened in Polarion 22 R1 (3.22.1)

Changes for 1.0.4 - 1.0.5
- Demo data updated to be aligned with Polarion 22 R1 (3.22.1)
- Unused topics hidden in the left navigation menu
- Fixed an issue with the revision of signatures in the Demo Data

Changes for 1.0.3 - 1.0.4
- Velocity Work Item Form Extension updated to version 1.0.4 to fix issues with Log4j 2.* incompatibility with Polarion 22 R1 (3.22.1)
- Extension FMC Work Item Save updated to version 1.4.1 to fix issues with Log4j 2.* incompatibility with Polarion 22 R1 (3.22.1)

Changes for 1.0.2 - 1.0.3
- AS-113 - Qualification Methods - Validation of Tool - Qualification Report - Fix displaying correct Test Case for Demo Data that lack historical revisions
- AS-115 - Qualification Methods - Polarion ALM 2019 1C - VoT Qualification Report - Fix missing images
- AS-116 - Tool - Traceability Report - Fix displaying of Exceptions associated with Test Cases

Changes for 1.0.1 - 1.0.2
- AS-107 - Dashboard - Add support for Work Item Sidebar
- AS-108 - Demo Data - Update dates for year 2020
- AS-109 - TQK Traceability Table widget - Use newer version with support for WI Sidebar and other smaller improvements and fixed issues
- AS-110 - Documents & Pages - Fix content of What's Here table
- AS-111 - Fix Description of TQK-1715 - Failed: Test: Create a New Project
- AS-112 - Update extension packed with the template to latest versions

Changes for 1.0.0 - 1.0.1
- Sample Use Cases and Test Cases updated for Qualification of Polarion 17 SR1 and newer



Vendor Siemens PLM
Published Version 1.0.7 - March 2023
Price Free
Supported by Siemens PLM This extension is supported by Siemens PLM for customers with a current support/maintenance agreement.
Requirements Version: Polarion 20 R2 (3.20.2) or newer
Distribution: ALM (Other distributions types might work but are not officially supported)
Access to the SVN Repository and File System
Last tested on Polarion 2304 (3.23.4)