
PDF Exporter Tool

 This utility will export given Polarion Document, Page or Classic Wiki page to PDF


This utility will export Polarion Document, Page or Classic Wiki page to PDF.

This extension has reached its end-of-life and will no longer be actively updated by Siemens PLM. 

It has transitioned to Community Support with the Polarion 21 R1 release as the same functionality has already been supported by our WebServices API since Polarion 20 R1.

Example exporting Page to PDF, run on command-line or shell:

java -jar pdfexporter.jar -username admin -password admin -project elibrary -space Reports -page "Frequent Test Case Failures" -file "results/Frequent Test Case Failures.pdf" -server


  • For Document add the argument -source document.
  • For Classic Wiki page use -source wiki.
  • For Default Space use -space _default.
  • The -includeHeaderFooter argument, if set to true, also includes the PDF export watermark, if one is configured.


Arguments without default are required.

  All arguments:         (default)                             - description
-server                      (http://localhost)                     - your host name
-username                             ()                                    - your username
-password                             ()                                    - your password
-project                                  ()                                    - project id
-space                                    ()                                    - space id
-page                                      ()                                    - id of document, wiki or page
-file                                         ()                                     - result file path (folder/file.pdf)
-source                               (page)                               - document / wiki / page
-generateBookmarks      (false)                                - true / false
-includeHeaderFooter    (false)                                 - true / false
-fitToPageWidth               (true)                                  - true / false
-paperSize                          (A4)                                   - A4 / A3 / Letter / Legal / Tabloid
-orientation                    (Portrait)                               - Portrait / Landscape


Warning: Utility is using non-API, and may break with Polarion update.




Vendor Siemens PLM
Published Version 3.0 - February 2021
Price Free
Community Supported Extension This extension is not supported by Siemens PLM.
Requirements Polarion 2017 SR1 (3.17.1) and newer
Tested on Polarion 2017 SR1 (3.17.1), 2018 SR3 (3.18.3), 2019 SR2 (3.19.2), 2019 SR3 (3.19.3), 20 R1 (3.20.1), 20 R2 (3.20.2) and 21 R1 (3.21.1)