
V-Model Project Template

 This V-Model project supports multi-displiciplinary groups (Hardware, Mechanical & Software) providing full requirements with multi-level refinement and complete traceability between all artifacts.


This projects framework will automatically create the refining artifacts with required linkage once the artifact leaves Draft state if the parent artifact has completed the final approval process. This process will engage team members early in the requirements and testing process but not too early that final approvals have not been made. A complete set of document and testing templates is included. This frame supports the gathering and analysis of FMEA risk items. The implementation methodolgy is not dictated by the framework, there is support for both water-fall and Agile methodologies

This Project Template is an implementation of key elements of ISO/IEC 15288 & IEEE 1220 managing the system engineering process with tracking and analysis of FMEA risk items. The V-Model framework provides for interdisciplinary interaction with requirements, task and test cases required throughout a system's lifecycle to transform a customer's requirements into a product or system solution.

This project framework supports the interdisciplinary groups "Hardware", "Mechanical" and "Software". The top level requirement is the "Commercial Requirement" that is auto refined into a "System Requirement" after leaving "Draft" state. The "System Requirement" can be refined into requirements for Hardware, Mechanical or Software using a multi-select drop down list. Each of the selected requirement types will be auto created for the refinement process when the "System Requirement" is moved from the life cycle state "Draft" to "Awaiting Team Review". Each of the interdisciplinary requirement types will berefined into their "Detail Design" specification when their life cycle state leaves the "Draft" state. When the "Detail Design" specification artifacts move out of their "Draft" life cycle, "Documentation" artifacts will be created to track the documentation process for each of the design elements. Unique Test Cases for each requirement are auto generated and linked for full traceability to the requirements that they will verify during the refinement process.

This project framework will attempt to involve team members early in the engineering and testing processes by notifying engineers of new requirements and test cases as they are auto generated in the refinement process. The auto refinement process and the state level change is controlled by the parent artifact reaching and completeing the final approval phase. Support for special artifacts called "Use Cases" can be requested at various levels that suspend the requesting artifact until the "Use Case" is completed.

The Specification and Testing portals provide for full life cycle inspection of all artifacts on a per document basis with a complete traceability report being generated. FMEA risk artifacts can be assigned to requirements and analysis be performed and assigned. The unique workflows for each of the artifacts in this framework is rendered using the graphwiz plugin of the wiki engine and an extension that is already included in this framework






Vendor Tim Sampair (Siemens PLM)
Published Version Rev1.3:20130620-2100 - July 2013
Price Free
Community Supported Extension This extension is not supported by Siemens PLM.